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Brian Bytes- Reminders from an FRC Mentor

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that the second you make your second contribution as a contributor to the FIRST Wisconsin blog you receive a catchy-branded title.

Welcome to Brian Bytes! Short and friendly reminders for FRC mentors this season.

(P.S. Other blog post contributions are welcome, feel free to submit them in our contact form!)

Brian from FRC 930 would like to remind you of the following:

  1. FRC Round Two Event Preferencing CLOSES TUESDAY, JANUARY 14th at 11am CT.

    1. Checkout these solid tips from Billfred, a mentor of FRC team 1293, who wrote recommendations up for FIRST South Carolina.

  2. Workshop Videos:

    1. Most of our workshop videos from the Mukwonago Kickoff are up on the FRC 930 YouTube channel:

    2. In addition, FRC 930 got most of the 2023 MROC workshops up as well:

    3. The workshops from 2023 FRC Training Day at WCTC are up on the (newly rebranded) FIRST Wisconsin YouTube channel:

  3. Make a note to track important team updates via the Q&A system and game manual updates.

    1. Click here for the FRC Q&A System

    2. New updates to the game manual are posted every Tuesday and Friday throughout build season. You can sign up with the subscribe link to automatically receive an email when new updates go out.

If you have any questions, find any issues with the videos, or have any requests for future workshops, please feel free to reach out! Thanks and good luck as we head into Week 2 of build season!

Thank you for these 'byte'-sized reminders, Brian!

Good luck, teams and remember to automate your RSS feed so you get the FIRST Wisconsin Blog posted directly to you!


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